Al’s a member of the Operations Team who has been working in their role since February.  You know that Al has a young family at home and, because they home-schooling their 2 small children, Al is working unusual hours compared to most of their team.

Everything seemed to go relatively smoothly for the first couple of months but then there was a serious dip in Al’s performance. You know that Al’s partner was made redundant and Al has mentioned to you that they’re experiencing some ‘personal pressure at home’.  However, they’ve also made it clear that they don’t wish to talk about this in detail.

<aside> 💡 You need to give Al a rating of “Meets Some” for both capabilities and values.

You’re also very much concerned that Al is on the way down, rather than up.


<aside> 💡 Al did not submit their indicators or self reflection of their own performance in time.
