Scenario 1:  Lou’s just EXCEEDS.

Lou is a Talented Full Stack Engineer who has been with the company for the last 18 months.

<aside> 💡 You’re going to be giving Lou an Exceeds rating for both Capabilities and Values today.


<aside> 💡 Lou has rated also themselves as Exceeds for both capabilities and values.


Lou came to the company with a wealth of expertise in L&D and API Technology and immediately put their skills to use building and developing new features and widgets.  Lou’s productivity is consistently high - in fact - their impact is extraordinary.

Lou also regularly role-models the values and contributes significantly to the company culture. They recently participated in an external social enterprise technology hackathon and referred 2 talented junior developers with the Talent Team.

They’re always ready to go the extra mile to support other departments in the pursuit of creating impact and regularly make innovative suggestions to the Sales and CS Teams - one of which inspired a hugely successful campaign.

During lockdown, Lou started a Learnify YouTube channel that has been gaining an increasingly high number of subscribers. You’re sure that competitors will be knocking on their door before long - if they haven’t already.

You’re keen that Lou is properly recognised for the great work they’ve done and continues to feel engaged and stretched by their role.